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Going Green

Bank of America Partners with U.S. Green Building Council South Florida Chapter’s GalaVerde

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) South Florida Chapter announced that Bank of America has secured the Title Sponsor position for the nonprofit organization’s upcoming GalaVerde: The 2010 LEEDership and Green Awards Program. Presented by Bank of America, GalaVerde

The Importance of Energy Reduction on Business

CREATING A GREENER CULTURE AT THE OFFICE By Wes Andrud and Joe Froelich The effects of rising energy costs are changing the way many senior level managers consider their company’s energy consumption. Rising energy costs have given corporate leaders

Making Green by Going Green

By Ken Fields “Going green” and “going solar” in the Sunshine State are all catch phrases for the new economy, especially as it applies to real estate. Whether a private home or a portfolio of commercial properties, going green

Sustainable Design 101

By Colin Rohlfing, LEED AP Green is in these days. But how do you define what makes a particular property green? If a potential buyer at your next showing were to ask, “What makes this a green property?” Would

Will Your Office Pass the Green Test?

By Yevgeniy Gutsalo The world we live in is changing all the time, from the way we live our personal life to the way we do business. New ideas and technology have enhanced and made way for more efficient

Green By Design

A blueprint for better living By Michael S. Teller, A.I.A. Nearly everyone has a perception of the definition of green design and construction. In straightforward terms, it’s a plan that strives for energy conservation and the use of recycled

How to ‘Greenify’ Your Office

By Hilary Kusel We at Green Business Alliance are noticing that many people who reach out to our organization have questions about what’s actually involved in going green. This is a really good sign in our opinion, as the

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