
In today’s digital age, novel inventions that once seemed like an unrealistic dream such as self-driving cars and virtual reality have become an integral part of everyday life. Just as Tesla is revolutionizing the automobile industry, smart homes are

Read more from our Tech Issue Cover story: Starting a tech revolution in real estate The real estate sign: Now redesigned with modern tech Smart home technology is the new standard Wire transfer fraud: What agents can do to

The famous criminal Willie Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks, and his response was simple, eloquent and humorous: “Because that’s where the money is.” In today’s digital age where financial transactions are easily conducted online via email

Millennials have begun to monopolize the home-owning population, and as a result, cities across the country are transforming into some of the hottest luxury markets for the first time. The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing just released their latest

Read more from our Luxury issue Cover story: How agents break into the luxury market The dos and don’ts of staging a luxury home How the luxury market is shifting across the country Agent Snapshot: Adam Kaufman, Vice President

No matter what price range your home is in, vacant homes should be properly staged in order to cater to the price point, target market and style of the home. Krisztina Bell, a professional home stager with No Vacancy

As the United States marks the 50th anniversary this month of the passage of the Fair Housing Act, reports reveal that racial inequalities still nag the real estate industry. A recent Zillow analysis of data made available by the

Read more from our Fair Housing Issue Cover story: The Fair Housing Act at 50 Analysis of mortgage denials reveals racial ‘continued disparities’ What might be threatening the Fair Housing Act? 5 tips for Realtors working with senior homeowners

Giralda Place. Downtown Coral Gables will soon be home to Giralda Place, a nine-story, mixed-use development with 33 luxury residences that range from one to three bedrooms. Each unit will have 11-foot ceilings in the living rooms and bedrooms,

Imagine a world in which your next-door neighbor not only is your best friend but de facto babysitter, your go-to source for borrowing eggs or cups of sugar and dinner companion when you’re home alone. Seems like a fantasy

2017 was full of innovation that altered the real estate industry — from apps that boost agent safety to an even greater reliance on websites with online listings and tours — but 2018 is poised to bring about even

The delivery and role of customer reviews have evolved dramatically and handling feedback is no longer an internal process The Internet has become such a prominent cog in our world that no industry is quarantined from its relevance. Doctors,