Three Ways to Really Connect With Your Customer Through Mobile

by Jeff Lobb

Jeff LobbIn today’s digital world, we use the word mobile very loosely. Sometimes we underappreciate its true value – being able to do just about anything anywhere.

One of my pet peeves is having a device or a tool and not using it to its true potential. I use this quote on stage when I present to make a point: “Technology and the devices are not the differentiator. How you use them to create a better consumer experience with it – that is what creates its value.”

So, while most of you use your mobile devices to text, chat, msg, Facebook, Tweet, Snapchat or even sometimes actually talk to each other, the connection to your customer is closer than ever before. Here are three tips you can use to connect better with your customer on your mobile device.

1. Using FB Lists – While you cannot create a list of your clients and customers from a mobile device, you can create your lists on a desktop and use it to connect with them on a daily basis from your mobile. Create the list on your personal page and use it daily to chat and build a relationship with your clients every day. When your client posts something, be right there, congratulate them, help them, like their post and stay top on mind daily vs sending them a piece of digital junk mail once a month and dripping on them with random content they will almost never use.

2. Use Video – Using your newer iPhone or Android with 1080 HD video quality, on the fly communication is a true differentiator. Whether it’s an MMS message or a service like Bombbomb to deliver the video in the best quality, the key is to be human in your message. Saying hi or happy birthday, or even sharing something that made you think of them, it is all about an emotional experience and connection. The beauty is, you can create this experience easily and the device is already in your purse or pocket. You just need to get out of your comfort zone and use it.

3. Data Exchange – I have  surveyed thousands of real estate agents, mortgage reps and title agencies across the U.S. and Canada, and have always asked the following question. “If I give you my business card, where is that card in five weeks?“ Top three answers almost 100 percent of the time: A. garbage; B. in a pile somewhere; or C. lost, purse or unknown. With all of the apps available for scanning and storing business card data, it seems that only 2 to 3 percent of audiences have the discipline to scan, store or use an app to digitally save that card.

This was disturbing to me because our initial meeting with someone and that personal exchange of data has changed dramatically. We are in a very visual economy with mobile, social and video, yet the paper business card and that exchange is simply that…paper. How can you share good visual and digital content on paper? The answer is, you can’t.

Solution: StoryApp.me – a visual and digital platform for all of your social, links, blogs, video, contact info and any visual representation you want to deliver to the world that represents you (all with one branded domain and highly effective with a mobile exchange). Not only is it google juice to get you highly ranked in the search engines, but it delivers all of your info to the client’s device by email or text in a completely responsive format. Even better than that, as you send your information to your client, you are able to capture their info and have it download right into your device’s contacts.

StoryApp then follows up with you through an email with a geo-tagged location, reminding you that you met your client at a specific location, date and time. This is sure to keep you connected to that individual and trigger that reminder. Your business card handoff and exchange may be all you have to create your next sale or greatest idea. Use your mobile device and the StoryApp.me platform to connect you more visually and to get you where you really want to be…in their phone.

If you would like a free copy of my e-book on the top apps you need for your real estate business visit www.AppsolutelyRE.com.

For more than two decades, Jeff Lobb has been a figure in the real estate industry, starting out as a top producing agent and becoming the owner of several EXIT Realty franchises. He later transitioned into a role with corporate as the vice president of technology and innovation for EXIT Realty Corp International before founding his current company, SparkTank Media. As the chief executive of SparkTank, Lobb specializes in speaking, training, coaching and consulting real estate companies and agents in how the industry blends with technology.

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