As a listing agent, you should understand that you are responsible for meeting (and exceeding) all of your sellers’ expectations. Once you have done the research, suggested the appropriate list price, beaten your competition and landed the listing, congratulations! Now the really important part begins: preparing the home for showings and bringing in offers. Before you place your new listing on the MLS and begin the marketing process, you need to ensure that you have positioned it to surpass comparable properties and stand out in its best possible way.
1. De-clutter and de-personalize. Buyers need to envision themselves in their future home and see it as their own. Clutter, seller’s family photos, memorabilia and souvenirs from fun family vacations are lovely, but they tell the story of the owners and may obstruct the ability of potential buyers to see their own lives unfolding in the seller’s space. I strongly recommend to all of my sellers that we try to make their home look as much like a model home as possible. This may be tricky, especially when the sellers still occupy the home, but after explaining the psychology and reasons behind this, most sellers are happy to put their memories and “things” away. Besides, they will have to pack it all up soon regardless once you sell their home.
2. Take an objective look at colors and décor and, if necessary, have the sellers bring in the painters. Paint and colors can make or break a home. Faux finish was fabulous at one time, but that trend has passed and buyers do not want to see it. A purple kitchen? Yes, I have had one. A professional painter and a very nice neutral shade made a very personal color choice appeal to a much more broad audience. Also touch up and refresh paint on baseboards, trim, and any scuffs on walls. This relatively small investment will make a huge world of difference.
3. Hire an amazing photographer, who has experience in with real estate photography. This is the most important service that you can and should be providing your sellers. Professional photographers understand how to best shoot a room in order to maximize its best attributes and make even average homes look stellar. iPhone or amateur photos snapped by a Realtor will turn potential buyers (and buyers’ agents) off immediately. MLS and marketing photos are your first and typically only shot at gaining the interest of buyers, so invest the time and money in hiring the best. Your clients will thank you and you will look like a pro.