iOS or Android? Which Reigns Supreme?

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By Peter Ricci

Android, or iOS? Along with Bears or Packers, Duke or North Carolina, or Yankees or Red Sox, the Android v iOS rivalry is shaping up to be one of the more contentious in the modern era.

And given the stakes at play, it’s not hard to see why! With an estimated 101.3 million mobile users as of March 2012, the smartphone landscape represents a huge chunk of consumers – and as we’ve reported on numerous occasions, quite a few of those customers are doing their real estate shopping via mobile technology.

But how do smartphone operating systems distinguish certain home shoppers? And do those numbers fluctuate based on what market those consumers consider home? To answer those questions, the folks at Homes.com put together a fascinating study, one that compared smartphone use in some of the nation’s largest housing markets. Did your side win? Take a look at the results from ForRent.com below:



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