Master Brokers Learn Why “No” is the Answer at MBF Event

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Why would “no” be the answer real estate agents are looking for from clients? More than 80 Broward and Palm Beach master brokers learned the answer to this question, and explored one of South Florida’s newest condominium projects, at a Master Broker Forum (MBF) that was recently hosted by Promenade in Boynton Beach.

Over 80 Master Brokers attended the Promenade event. Pictured: Teri Kasnic, Tom Schon, Linda Fontana, Phil Keagy, Liz Caldwell, Carolyn Block Ellert, Roland Nairnsey and Lucille Gioia.

This unique MBF event included a presentation entitled “Getting to ‘No!’: Strategic Tactics for Addressing Client Questions” which was led by the senior vice president of Bob Schulz and New Home Sales Specialist, Roland Nairnsey. Nairnsey, a world-class home sales trainer, coach and motivator, has achieved noticeable results through the company’s New Home Sales and Development System. He is a regularly featured presenter at real estate events.


“Even the most seasoned, savvy, and successful Master Brokers know that we can always learn more, do better, improve ourselves every day,” said Carolyn Block Ellert, chair of the Broward MBF. “Roland’s presentation gave us a fresh and original perspective on communicating with our clients, which our members have already put to use with great success. We thank him and our friends at Promenade for sponsoring this exceptional event.”

As the event began, brokers were invited to tour model residences with views of the Intercoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean, followed by a reception located on Promenade’s pool deck. Next came Nairnsey’s discussion which explained how “no” can be a buyer’s signal of interest in a home. Through role-playing and interactive exercises, Nairnsey demonstrated effective methods of answering a wide variety of client questions and concerns. The seminar was followed by dinner and desserts on the Promenade pool deck.

MBF was established in 1993 and is comprised of South Florida’s top residential real estate professionals.

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