3 Easy Steps To Help Maximize Your Social Media Presence

by James McClister

Social media is quickly becoming the preferred marketing method for many, and with good reason. Here are 3 steps to help you boost its effectiveness.

In the past several years, the influence of the Internet has grown exponentially when it comes to the homebuying process. According to National Association of Realtor data, approximately 90 percent of homebuyers will at some point during their search go online for assistance. From 2008 to 2012, real estate related searches on Google rose more than 200 percent.

Among the most effective online tools Realtors and other industry professionals are discovering, is social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any of the other myriad of popular platforms, people are looking more and more to social sites for leads into the homebuying process, including what’s going on in the market and who to work with.

Here are three tips to maintaining an effective social media presence:

1. Creative and calculated – Social media represents an incredibly significant milestone in the progression of human communication, and really, ingenuity. In only a few short years, the world and its peoples, which are in some cases literally separated by oceans, have effectively bridged the social gap. For marketers, this access to previously untapped audiences is huge. However, as we’re quickly learning, effective social media use is about more than just how many people you can reach. It’s about connecting with users who are most likely to respond to your marketing efforts, and then providing them with quality content – not just a quick, generic sales pitch.

Brokerages and individual agents alike should be thinking of content in terms of what they need to tell their clients, as well as what their clients want hear. Original, creative content not only helps to boost SEO, but it also helps to establish legitimacy and keep readers on your page. And when you write to specific audience, it only makes sense to reach out to that same audience.

2. Videos and images say everything words can’t – Including relevant news and industry updates can position your social media page as an online resource, where people go to get credible information, but that doesn’t mean every bit of information should be presented as dry facts. Using video and pictures, especially in real estate where visuals are so important, can be the difference between someone staying on your page for 30 minutes and leaving after 30 seconds.

Effective photos and videos can help to add personality to a brand, which, when blended with a sense of credibility, can be the perfect combination for attracting and holding on to new clients. According to online news source Digital Insights, 73 percent of homebuyers prefer their Realtor incorporate YouTube into their marketing strategy. Additionally, videos and pictures are quickly becoming one of the most preferred methods of sharing information. If a readers sees something they like, all they need to do is click “share” and voila, sent to their friends. In a world where convenience is the new style, videos and pictures are a must.

3. Set a schedule – Finally, and this may be the most important point, be consistent. It’s easy to get enthusiastic about something and put a plan to paper, but when it comes down to it, preparation is nothing without an effective implementation strategy. Whether it’s every day, every week or even once a month – though, that’s not recommended – producing content on a regular basis is the best way to maintain your status as an industry influence online. When people know you’re putting out quality information regularly, they’ll have more reason to visit your page.

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