What was your most interesting job before going into real estate?
Working as an executive assistant for some extremely rich business owners.
Where did you grow up?
Growing up, what did you want to be?
A criminal lawyer.
What do you do to relax when you’re stressed?
Jump into the ocean, swim until my head feels cleared.
If you could meet any well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why?
Jesus, I find his teachings fascinating, and I have many questions.
Where is South Florida’s best-kept secret?
If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret!
What do you love most about the industry?
The flexibility and really helping others achieve what they believed to be impossible.
What is the most difficult aspect of your job?
Farming for listings. It’s mostly all on social media now. No one wants to cold call or door knock. Safety becomes a concern.
What’s your best advice for generating new leads?
Don’t look for leads, build relationships.
What are you binge-watching/reading/listening to lately?
Recipes from all different cuisines.
What’s your favorite meal in South Florida?
Crackle Barrel breakfasts!
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in South Florida?
Coral Gables City Hall.
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on the job?
I booked a showing with my clients to see a beautiful house, only to arrive and find a bulldozer ripping it apart. The client provided me with the right address, but in the wrong city.
What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?
I used to teach and compete in Latin dance.
What’s your favorite vacation spot and why?
Puerto Rico. I had the best pinchos I’ve ever eaten. Beautiful clear beaches, many untouched places.
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry?
Have a mentor, save up a lot of money before you quit your day job, start part-time.
Who are your favorite people to follow on social media?
Actually, it’s my broker. He’s amazing, optimistic and quite successful.
What are your social media handles?