Read Today’s Top Story: 2025 South Florida real estate predictions


Cyndy Castro Luxury Realtor

Ancona Real Estate

What was your most interesting job before going into real estate?

My most interesting job experience was working for the Kardashians, I worked as a merchandising manager for their brand for almost five years. I was hired young at 18 and climbed up the ladder quickly. It was very different but so much fun. This opportunity more so molded me and prepared me to handle high-end clients and celebrities.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Austin, Texas, and I was raised in Miami. My parents bought their first home in Miami, and now all my family resides here. Honestly, I am blessed to call Miami home. Growing up here has been so much fun. There is always something to do, the beach, the perfect weather, its diversity of people, the nightlife, you name it. It’s here.

Growing up, what did you want to be?

As a child I was definitely a performer, I used to dream of becoming an actress or a TV host. I love the glam; I love speaking and role playing. I would still pursue this by creating my own podcast or being a public speaker.

What do you do to relax when you’re stressed?

I am a full-time Realtor, a single mom, and it is nonstop. It is important that i find the balance in my life. When I’m stressed, I take a step back to recharge. I love to meditate, eat a good meal and practice self-care. A day like this would consist of yoga, eating at the best sushi restaurant and getting my nails done.

If you could meet any well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why?

I don’t even have to think about it, it is a tie between Ellen DeGeneres and Will Smith. Ellen altered my mind at such a young age carrying out one of the best talk shows. She continuously used it as an opportunity to help people. Her positivity is remarkable. Like Ellen, I use my career to learn people’s backstory and make a difference. It is by far the most rewarding feeling. Now Will Smith is the epitome of motivation. I admire his work ethic so much, and the best part is that he shares the knowledge of his success. My favorite of his practices is mindfulness; it simply means your life will become better by making other people’s lives better.

Where is South Florida’s best-kept secret?

South Florida has so many hidden gems, it’s actually hard to break it down to one single experience. However, I will say it is the only place so close to the Bahamas you are only one cruise away from Fort Lauderdale. Where else can you get home from work, have dinner in Bimini and go back home? Fascinating.

What do you love most about the industry?

What I love the most is that real estate is an outlet for my creativity. Essentially, you’re a brand that personifies a lifestyle. The artistic side of me indulges in the marketing process, choosing the right visuals, the verbiage, even my personality. I am my biggest selling point.

What is the most difficult aspect of your job?

I would have to say dealing with the uncertainty of the market is difficult at times. Our clients for the most part whether they are sellers or buyers come with expectations. It is my responsibility to make them aware of the reality, but of course it’s disheartening to feel as though you are not meeting their expectations. The upside is there will always be something close to what they want, I always encourage them to keep an open mind and focus on the possibilities.

What’s your best advice for generating new leads?

The way you relate to people is fundamental in this industry. you have to be social, in person, on the phone, by social media etc. You have to keep them interested in you. Primarily stay connected. You finish a transaction, you continue following up even if it’s a five-minute call, you want to be the family’s source for real estate. All my referrals are from my existing clients. The more personable you are, the more this becomes a successful tactic to produce.

What are you binge-watching/reading/listening to lately?

Podcasts are the new thing, and I am obsessed. I love the concept of open discussions. My favorite type of books are mental health books, and I love self-empowerment books. I’m currently reading “Your Greater is Coming” by Joel Osteen.

What’s your favorite meal in South Florida?

Wow. This is so hard because I am not picky with food, and there is so much culture in South Florida. It’s all so good. I will have to say 1-800-Lucky in Wynwood has my heart. The best meal hands down is their Japanese ramen. I can eat Japanese every day.

Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in South Florida?

South Florida is an architecture dream. I am blessed to have a scenic view from my condominium of downtown. Therefore, I see this building every day, but I never grow tired of how beautifully detailed it is. One Thousand Museum is a condominium tower also known as the scorpion tower; it is breathtaking.

What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on the job?

Showings or open houses are the make it or break it point when listing a property. The most awkward experience I had was during an open house for a $3 million home. I was speaking to a client, and I realized there was a roach by his foot, I tried to sway him away from noticing by pointing out more features in the home. Unfortunately, the roach got on their shoe his wife saw it and startled him. I wanted to disappear of embarrassment. Today I make sure homes go through pest control before I show them. Never again.

What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

It’s easy to look at my lifestyle and assume I just like living a lavish lifestyle, and that things just get handed to me. but what people don’t know is that I am a very driven person. My parents came to the U.S. with nothing, and I watched them struggle. When I had my son, I knew exactly the life I wanted to provide for him and, with that motivation, I am here.

What’s your favorite vacation spot and why?

My favorite vacation spot so far has got to be Aruba. I had the best experience. It’s so calm, you can literally hear the waves all day. And the people are the most kind. I want to go back so bad.

In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry?

Know the Realtor you want to be, and find a good mentor.

Who are your favorite people to follow on social media?

My favorite type of people to follow are people like Jay Shetty. I am really big on mental health and knowing your purpose for being here. Jay Shetty brings that out of people. It’s contagious.

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