What was your first job in the real estate industry? Renting out an entire two-story building on West Ave. in Miami Beach.
Where did you grow up? North America… seriously all over
Growing up, what did you want to be? A film actress
What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? Exercise. It’s not exactly relaxing but it definitely makes me feel better!
If you could meet any well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why? Oprah…. because Oprah!
Where is your favorite place to hang out? At the park with my son
What do you love most about the industry? The people! There are so many interesting people out there.
What is the most difficult aspect of your job? Competition. There’s something like 168,000 licensed agents in Miami-Dade. That’s a lot!
Where do you go to network and meet new clients? Everywhere – potential clients are everywhere.
What are you binge-watching/reading/listening to lately? I’m in the middle of reading The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. It’s a real ‘aha’ book.
What is your favorite restaurant? Sylvano Miami Beach. It’s comfort food, well priced and a little off the beaten path.
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Miami? Ten Museum Park. To me, it’s just pure, clean, uncomplicated. No smoke and mirrors.
What kind of car do you drive? Lexus NX 200
Smartphone or paper? Both
What is your favorite city after Miami? New York City.
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry? Respond quickly!