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The Short List: Roderyck Reiter’s Tips for How to Join an In-House Sales Team

by James McClister


Rod Reiter is the sales director for Krystal Tower working in Miami.

Every week, we ask a real estate professional for their Short List, a collection of tips and recommendations on an essential topic in real estate. This week, we talked with Roderyck Reiter, sales director for Kyrstal Tower, who shared his tips on how to  join an in-house sales team. 

Months before launching sales for condominium development Krystal Tower – one of my duties was to assemble a local in-house sales team. Assembling a sales team is strategic, not difficult. The strategic part of putting together a team is finding a balance in a group based on individual strengths and experience levels so you can appeal to a larger clientele as a whole. Not only was the hiring process grueling but essential to the development’s success, reputation and brand recognition. Initially I knew I needed a team who exuded energy, multi-cultural skills and knowledge of the new Miami real estate market. Here are my tips on how individual realtors can work towards being a part of such a sales team to assure long-term success:

5. Contacts – “It’s all about who you know.” Real estate is all about networking, connecting with potential clients and seizing opportunities. Make sure to always carry business cards and get your name and company’s name out.

4. Presentation – Dress the part! Right before you even utter a word, you will be judged on looks. Therefore, make sure to look sharp, polished and approachable.

3. Confidence – Once you are talking to the client, sneak in a smile, have a firm handshake, be on time, get to know your client and be prepared.

2. Market Knowledge – Know the answers before you are questioned. Potential clients will grill you and ask the same questions over and over. Therefore, be prepared and know your development, developer, architect, building amenities, average price per square foot, location and every single detail that may pertain to the development you are representing. In addition, read the dailies and be up-to-speed on what is happening in your market and neighboring markets.

1. Languages – Miami is one of the few cities that global investors consider as it currently offers the strongest housing market in the United States. From French-Canadians to Brazilians to Chinese – it is vital to communicate effectively with these potential buyers. Spanish may be Miami’s second language but speaking a 3rd or 4th language will allow you to work with diverse clientele.

Rod Reiter is an international Realtor who joined the real estate industry in 2009 after working several years for Microsoft in Amsterdam. His personal goal is to provide each of his clients with an overwhelmingly positive experience, and continue building his referral network. Reiter is currently the sales director for Miami’s Krystal Tower.

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